Microsoft Edge Browser
Microsoft Edge now has the ability to remove the default search browser from the list of available options.
After a recent upgrade, Microsoft Edge users will be able to use the function once again. The capability was previously available in the Microsoft Edge web browser.
According to reports, the ability to remove default search engines has been returned in Microsoft’s Edge Canary. Windows Central states that until recently, it was possible to designate other search engines as the default, but it was not feasible to remove sites from the list of defaults from which to pick, according to the study.
Leo Varela was the first to notice the change, and he later posted images of the new menu browser on Reddit.
This isn’t a brand-new feature for Microsoft Edge, either. The ability to remove default search engines in the browser’s settings was included in previous versions of the browser. That behavior altered at some time, which was brought to the attention of the community on Reddit.
Varela provided some further information in response to that post from March 2022.
I’m baffled as to why Microsoft hasn’t restored the ability to alter default search engines in Edge yet, even in the Dev and Canary versions (which are currently at version 101),” says the author “Varela made the statement in March 2022.
The option to disable default search engines was reinstated by Google in version 99 of their search engine. After many months of development, Microsoft finally released version 102, which is the newest version accessible via the Canary branch.
Edge Canary has also received a flag that allows it to display experimental look options. Additionally, the browser’s “Follow creator” function is available “The feature now allows you to flip between recent posts and the creators you follow without having to open the Collections pop-up window first.
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