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MTN Nkomode [2024] – How to activate MTN Free after one (1) Offer



What is MTN Nkomode?

MTN Nkomode, also known as the MTN Free After One, is a fantastic call offer that allows subscribers to make low-cost phone calls to other MTN subscribers around the world.


mtn nkomode code

mtn nkomode code, which is *550#, and a unique number too, easy to remember. You will only be charged for the first minute of your call if you take advantage of this offer.


This means that when customers subscribe, their calls will be zeroed, and they will only be charged for the first minute of the call.



mtn free after one

With the Nkomode offer, you can talk for as long as you want on MTN to MTN calls while only paying for the first minute of your call. Currently, you can call this number for free after one service for 60 minutes. Following that, you will be disconnected.





MTN Free After 1 code 2024

USSD code 550 is used to communicate with Nkomode. To take advantage of this offer, dial *550# and follow the on-screen instructions to register.




Some MTN exciting Offers

The Sunday special offer costs just 1 Gh and gets you to talk the whole day.  Yes, 24 hours of talk and text.


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The special bundle offer, this bundle does not need any introduction as it’s the most popular data bundle offer among its customers. 460MB is purchased for just 3 GH and it does not expire.

Lastly, the MTN AKwaaba offer allows new MTN Ghana sim card users to select a special number for the call for a maximum of 6 months free of charge.


Enough of this… Now let’s pay attention to what the topic is about, MTN Nkomode.  In this article, we will look at the code, how to activate the MTN free after one (1) service, and get talking!


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MTN Talk Chaw

MTN Talk Chaw Promotion stands as an engaging television program dedicated to showcasing the remarkable features of Yellow Café, a distinctive product from MTN.

This initiative leverages an array of strategically implemented shortcodes, fostering a seamless and enhanced customer experience while ensuring the smooth and efficient delivery of services.

Through captivating content and innovative strategies, this show serves as a powerful promotional tool, reinforcing the brand’s commitment to excellence in telecommunications and customer satisfaction.


mtn codes

Here is a list of MTN codes for Ghana.

*134*PIN#- to recharge airtime
*135*55*1#- to activate MTN Zone Snapi Bundle
*550# (option 6): to activate MTN Free After 1 (Nkomode)
*550# (for new subscribers): to activate free calls for a six-month offer
*455#: to receive accurate weather forecasts 
*124#- to check your credit balance
*140#- to check Blackberry plans
100- to contact the call center
**67*02XXXXXXXX*11#- to divert calls when busy
**61*02XXXXXXXX*11#- to divert calls when there is no answer
**62*02XXXXXXXX*11#: to divert calls when unreachable
1355: to activate Caller Tunez
*156#- to check your mobile number
##21#- to deactivate diversion of calls
**21*02XXXXXXXX*11#- to divert all calls
*511#: to generate Mobile Money ATM token
*300*20#- to receive cool jokes
Movies to 1412: to get the Silverbird movie schedule
*138*3#- IDD package
*138#: to check internet bundles or SMS bundles
*138*1*1#-to buy internet bundles
*138*1*5#- to buy internet social bundles
*138*1*4#- to buy unlimited mtn internet bundles
*138*1*2#- to buy mtn weekly internet bundles
*5055# for MTN Jara
*567*4#- to check MTN Mashup Balance
*170#: MTN mobile money page or portal
*567# for MTN Pulse
1303- for MTN Radio
PORT to 600: Number portability to other networks
1515: To report mobile money fraud. Send a text to 1515 with the merchant’s name and date of the incident
02xxxxxxxx Simbox to 419- Report Simbox fraud
*585#- to request mtn internet settings
*1390#- to reserve your number for two years
*198#- to share credit with friends and family
*138*4#- mtn supersaver bundles
*506#- to borrow mtn credit
*585#- to check 4G device compatibility
*595#- to exempt/include yourself from mobile money interest payments to your account
*400#- to check if your number is registered or not


mtn Sunday special

The mtn Sunday special makes your Sundays more special For just 76 Pesewas to make calls, data, and texts to all networks in Ghana every Sunday. Better yet, any unused minutes, data, or texts will carry over to the next Sunday as long as your subscription remains active.

Here is how to sign up:

Sunday special mtn code

1. dial *550# and choose option 8
2. select option 2 for “Sunday Special”
3. select option 1 or 99 for more options to activate this offer



About MTN Nkomode (free After 1)

About 4 years ago, the MTN free after one (1) offer was launched. This offer makes the users or customers of MTN Ghana make a phone call and only pay for the first minute.


In simple terms, you only pay for the first 1 minute. After that, the bill is on them (MTN). No matter how long you stay on the call, it’s still MTN paying.



mtn nkomode mtn free after one


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How to activate MTN Free After 1 Offer (Nkomode)

  • Step #1: First dial *550#


  • Step #2: select option 6


  • Step #3: Select 1: to Activate


  • Step #4: Select 1 again: to confirm the activation





After you have successfully registered for the MTN Nkomode, a GHS 0.30 deduction will be made to your account for every call you make, whether it’s for a second or a minute. You’ll be deducted GH 0.30 as the cost for the first official minute.


So if you’re making a lengthy or short call, just know that you’ve been charged 0.30 for the first minute.




How To Deactivate MTN Nkomode Free After One (1)

  • Step #1: Dial the number *550#


  • Step #2: select option 6


  • Step #3: Select Option 2 from the drop-down menu (Deactivate)


  • Step #4: After successfully deactivating your purchase, MTN will keep your account inactive until you activate it again.





mtn free after 1 code

The mtn free after 1 code is available for all MTN users, customers, or subscribers. To take advantage of this offer, simply dial *550# on your mobile phone and follow the prompts to sign up.



Mtn included some interesting deals in the free after, and its not just for calls. You are also giving free MegaByte internet data to
browse on Facebook for free. Yes, for free.


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More on the Free After 1

An Additional 50MB free data bundle is added to your account as soon as you subscribe for the (MTN NKomode) free after 1 offer. More Minutes + 50MB data bundle. This data bundle is for your general use, even if you don’t browse the internet with the sim card, mtn gifts the 50MB to you with no attachment.


The MTN Nkomode or Free After One, (1) is basically for those who love engaging in lengthy calls and sharing unending gossip with partners, friends, family, and so on.  This is for you.


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Is MTN free after one for all networks?

Fortunately, the MTN free after one is for MTN to MTN customers only. Maybe we can expect this to be an “Mtn free after one for all networks” later but for now, it’s only MTN to MTN customers.



What time does MTN free after the 1 start?

The MTN free after 1 starts on Monday the first day of the week, and runs through to Sunday. So you will have a period of 7 days maximum to talk for free after 1 to your special person.


How can I register MTN free call?

So you want to register for MTN free call? well, I have got good news and bad news. the bad news is there is no MTN free call available no such thing! and the good news is MTN has a lot of offers on calls, like the “mtn free after one, the magic number,” and so on


Please note that MTN nkomode plan has changed recently and now the current plan is

you only pay for the 1st minute of any local call you make, you enjoy 10 MINUTES of free calls to mtn networks



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Source: fifty7tech.com



MTN nkomode code not working?

If you cannot access MTN NKOMODE, or if the code is not working, this simply means MTN Ghana has changed the USSD code to 550.
You just have to use the new USSD code *550#, and then you choose free after one from the list.

How can I activate MTN Sunday special?

Text START to 5050 to activate. The Sunday special offer costs just 1 Gh and gets you to talk the whole day. Yes 24 hours of talk and text


What is the code for MTN-free after 1

First dial *550# • Select 6: to Activate • Select 1 again: to confirm the activation



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