You can post basic details about your company on Facebook using a Page.
After creating a Page, you can share posts and updates with others by inviting them to like the Page.
Aside from posting reviews and queries, anyone who loves the page has further options.
Before you can create a Facebook Page, you must already have a personal Facebook account.
Review our lesson on registering for a Facebook account if you don’t already have one.
You require a Facebook Business Page if you run a business. Facebook is an unavoidable social network because of its 1.82 billion daily active members.
Perhaps this is the case with Facebook’s 200 million+ businesses using its free services.
That includes business Pages; making a Facebook Page is a cost-free method of promoting your company.
The good news is that setting up a Facebook account for a business is really easy, and you probably already have everything you need.
What Is A Facebook Page?

Facebook is a site used for social networking.
It is an online site that connects families and friends together.
This online site gives people the opportunity to share their pictures, videos, the works and crafts with people across the world.
Facebook page is a public profile created on the site where businesses, brands, organizations, artists, and celebrities connect with their fans and customers.
It is created to promote their works publicly on social media for growth.
This group of people promotes their works by posting pictures, videos, articles, events and links.
Unlike personal pages, facebook pages uses “Fans” instead of “ Friends” .
Reasons Why You Need To Need A Facebook Page.
A facebook page is an exceptional way for business, organisation, brands etc to interact with their fans, customers and promote events.
Facebook page is very important therefore, there are many reasons why it is needed. These reasons are;
• To build and identify the right audience:
The audience is rightly identified to know the tone and purpose to use so that the needs and expectations of the audience are matched.
• For Communication:
When the right audience is identified, it gives you a plan or opportunity to impart or exchange information with them using the right medium.
This helps you to know what they want and how to go about it.
• For Branding:
It helps create a unique image for promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design putting in mind your target audience.
People add quality videos, pictures, links and articles to their site on the facebook page and this value to their page.
Adding quality content to your products catches peoples attention and this promotes growth for your product.
Types of Facebook Page?
There are six types of facebook pages.
These pages are;
• Local Business Facebook page: This page is for places or locations where customers can visit at any time during working hours or opening hours.
These places include; Banks, Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, etc.
• Company, organization, or institution’s Facebook page:
This page is suitable for businesses with many locations that have different addresses and open hours and it is also ideal for companies that don’t have physical locations.
Categories that use this page include; Church, Insurance company, Food, and Beverage company, etc.
• Brands or Products Facebook page:
This page is for people who sell products with popular or notable names and also for sales of products on different or multiple websites.
The category of brands and products that use this page are; Appliances, Cars, Clothing, Games, and Beauty.
• Artist, Band, Public Figure:
This page is for artists, bands, and public figures (actors, Musicians, journalists, Lawyers, Doctors, Authors) whose many focus are on promoting their personal brand and their works.
• Entertainment Facebook page :
This page is for the entertainment industry and it is used to showcase the works, venues, entities, and products surrounding the person in the industry.
The commonly used categories include; albums, TV Shows, Movies, Books, Radio stations, magazines, Concerts.
• Cause or community Facebook page:
This last page is specifically for charity or non-profit organizations.
It is generalized for all and there is no specific category to select or choose from.
This page I guess is used for fundraising for community actions.
How To Create A Facebook Page?
There are several ways of creating a Facebook page.
The following are 7 simple steps used to create a Facebook page.
• Sign up: Log into your personal Facebook account.
• Create a page: Tap on the right of the main navigation bar and click on pages. Select “ +Create New Page”.
• Enter the page name and select Next.
• Enter and select the page categories and Tap “Create”.
5. How To Customize A Facebook Page
• Use large, unique, and simple pictures of high quality
• Use short names for your page to the URL page simple
• Include your address for the business or organization so that people can leave reviews on your page.
6. How To Create A Facebook Business Page?
• Create a Page by using the simple steps above
• Enter your basic business information
• Add pictures:
Upload a profile and cover picture which is very attractive to create a good first impression and to catch the eyes of the customers and fans
• Add more information:
input additional information like your contact information ( phone number, email address) and Location.
• Create a Page Username: It is also called your Vanity URL, which helps to tell people where to find you on Facebook.
• Create your first post: Post valuable content about your work or business.
• Invite Audience: Start by inviting your existing friends and families on Facebook to like and share your page.
In conclusion,
A Facebook page is very important because there is the interaction between two or more people whose products and works are being displayed.
It is one of the social media sites that is easy to attain followers for your work, and that helps you to advertise your products easily.
All this is done by communicating with your audience to know.
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