Use Facebook Business Manager if your company utilizes Facebook.
It’s a crucial tool for keeping the assets of your Facebook business centralized, secure, and structured.
You can learn how to set up a Facebook Business Manager account by following this step-by-step manual.
Businesses may use Facebook to safely exchange and manage a range of assets without invading personal space.
Facebook’s Business Manager has developed into a useful tool for expanding enterprises everywhere.
Allowing users to manage anything from client ad accounts and pages to the information that coworkers can view about them.
We have excellent news if you have been putting off setting up Facebook Business Manager because you are unsure of how it functions.
This article will show you how to do everything from set up your account to putting your first ad in just 10 easy steps.
But, first, let’s answer an important question: Exactly what is Facebook Manager, anyway?
What is Facebook Business Manager?

“Business Manager provides as a one-stop shop to manage business tools, business assets, and employee access to these assets,” according to Facebook.
It serves as your central hub for managing all of your Facebook marketing and advertising efforts.
Additionally, you may manage access for numerous users to other resources like your Instagram account and product catalogs there.
⁃ You won’t have to worry about posting in the wrong place or being sidetracked while attempting to work because it keeps your professional and personal profiles separate.
⁃ It serves as a central hub for tracking Facebook ads and provides thorough reports on their effectiveness.
⁃ Without transferring ownership of the assets, it enables you to grant vendors, partners, and agencies access to your sites and advertisements.
⁃ Only your name, work email, pages, and ad accounts are visible to coworkers; your personal Facebook information is hidden from them.
Facebook Manager makes it easier for you and your team to access your company’s ads and pages and prevents Facebook from suspecting any strange activity.
Now that you have a better idea of whether or not a Business Manager is right for your company, are you ready to get started?
How to set up Facebook Business Manager.

Step 1: Create An Account Go To The Business Manager’s Website
Use Facebook to log into your personal account.
Consider Business Manager to be an additional app or service that you could use to log into your personal account.
Don’t worry if you’re still a little concerned. Using your personal Facebook account serves primarily as a security measure and is only used to validate your identity.
Unless you are friends with them outside of Business Manager, your coworkers won’t have access to your personal profile or be able to see your personal Facebook activities.
Only your name and the work email you specify in Business Manager will be visible to them.
Visit and click the “Create Account” button to register for Business Manager.
Step 1: Login To Your Account If You’re Not Already Logged In
Now, if you tried creating an account without logging through your personal one first, you will see the following screenshot below.
Again, as this is for security considerations, enter into your personal Facebook account and continue to step 2.
You will be able to create your business manager account after successfully logging in.
Step 2: Create Your New Business Manager Account
You will be prompted to create your business manager account after you log in.
What you ought to see on your screen is the screenshot that follows.
As you can see, you have access to a wide range of advantages with a Facebook Business manager account.
Step 3. Add your Facebook ad account(s)
It’s important to keep in mind that once you add your ad account to Facebook Business Manager, you cannot remove it.
For this reason, you should only add accounts that you control.
Click Request Access in order to gain access to a client account.
If you currently use Facebook ads, you can link your account by doing the following:
Enter Your Business Name
Now, put in your Business Name and click continue.
Make sure your business name is consistent.
This includes capitalization in the correct places.
Make sure to double check the spelling as errors in this early stage can be a pain to fix later on.
Create Profile
This step requires you to fill in some personal information.
Again, Facebook will ensure that nothing from your personal Facebook account can be seen by your employees and co-workers.
Fill in your first and last name and your business email and click finish!
After you’ve clicked on Finish, you will be directed to the Business Manager welcome screen.
Your account is now ready to go! So, click on the setup guide to get access to your or your client’s pages, accounts, and apps!
It’s time to look at your three alternatives now that you’ve successfully set up your Facebook Business Manager Account.
Depending on the objectives of your company, you may now quickly request, claim, or add new assets using Business Manager.
What Are Your Options With Your Business Manager Account?
Now that your company manager account has been successfully set up, you can create, request, or claim your first asset!
Look at your screen’s upper right corner.
There are three choices available: Add New, Claim Access, and Request Access.
Access requests imply that the original owner will continue to have total administrative authority.
You will have complete administrative access after claiming an asset.
No matter what you click, you can ask for or claim one of the following three assets: a page, an ad account, or an app.
Select the suitable choice for you by clicking.
The Add New option does not only allow you to add a new page and ad account.
You can also add people, product catalogs and payment methods.
If you are the owner of the page, you can add people to accounts and give them access to different options.
If you are requesting access to an asset, a request for access will be sent out and you will be notified once it is accepted.
Once the request is accepted with an assigned role, that individual will be able to manage the asset.
Now that you have a better idea of what you can do with your newly created business manager account but got lost in the sea of options, we got you covered.
Check out our other blog pages on how you can create a Facebook ad account, start managing your own Facebook ads, and create your first business page!
Start Adding People
It can be a lot of work to stay on top of your Facebook marketing, so you might not want to go it alone.
You can add team members to Facebook Business Manager so you can have a large team working on your Facebook business page and ad campaigns.
How to organize your team is shown below.
1. From your Business Manager dashboard, click Add individuals.
2. In the pop-up box, enter the business email address of a team member you want to add.
This might include employees, freelance contractors, or business partners, In this step, you are specifically adding individuals, rather than an agency or another business
(you can do that in the next step).
You can select either Employee access or Full access to grant these people restricted account access (choose Admin access).
Later, when you can be more detailed.
Ensure that you add people with their professional email addresses. then press Next.
3. Select Pages from the menu on the left.
The pages you want this team member to work on might be your choice.
Customize the individual’s access using the toggle switches.
4. Click on Ad Accounts in the left menu by returning there.
Again, utilize the toggle switches to modify the user’s access. After finishing, click Invite.
Additionally, there are choices to add people to apps and libraries in the left menu, but you can exclude these for now.
5. Click Add More People to include more team members.
Click Done when you’re done.
6. All that’s left to do is wait for each person to accept your offer to join your Facebook Business Manager team.
It might be a good idea to write them a personal letter or let them know directly that you are giving them this access and that they should expect the automated email with the link.
They will each receive an email with information about the access you’ve given them and a link to get started.
You can see all of your pending requests from your dashboard, and withdraw them at any time for people who have not responded.
If someone with access leaves your company or switches to a different role, you can revoke their permissions.
Here’s how:
1. Click Business Settings at the upper right of your Business Manager dashboard.
2. In the left menu, click People.
3. Click on the name of the appropriate person.
To remove them from your team, click Remove.
Or, hover over the name of an individual asset and click the trash can icon to remove it.
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